Members Enjoy Potomac Nationals Outing
By Vice President Drew Meadows
July 14, 2018

On Saturday, July 14, members gathered and relaxed for a night of fun to watch the Potomac Nationals win 9-5. Volunteering together at Stonewall Jackson Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad connects people from all walks of life. For many members, their crews at Stonewall are a second “fire family,” and it’s nights and events like this baseball game that allow members to stop and enjoy their friends.

If you are looking to volunteer with a group of dedicated, diverse, and focused people, look no further! The relationships and training that you gain at Stonewall are like nothing you will find anywhere else. Check us out on facebook or apply and come by the station during our duty crews on weeknights and weekends. We would love to meet you!

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