Become a Volunteer Firefighter or EMT!
Want to serve your community? Want to work hard, gain valuable skills, and overcome new challenges? Consider joining Stone House Volunteer Fire Department & Rescue Squad. Members receive free training, some tax relief, invaluable life skills, and so much more!
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The Stone House Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad has proudly served the citizens of Prince William County since April 1971. The department is dedicated to the preservation of life and property through education, quality emergency medical care, and effective fire suppression and hazard mitigation. The department responds to 5,000 calls for service each year. This isn't possible without the support of our community. Please consider making a financial contribution below and help us continue to provide critical services to our community.
Station Santa is visiting our community on December 9 & 10, 2023
PIO, December 09
Santa Claus will be coming to ride along with Stone House Volunteers throughout our community on Saturday, December 9th and Sunday, December 10th between 9am and 5pm each day. Listen for the sirens and please remember safety is Santa's #1 priority. Please make sure kids have adult supervision when they hear Santa coming down the street.
Season’s Greetings!!! Follow us on Facebook for updates on ... (Full Story & Photos)
Hose Line Training
Board of Director Justin Karasek, July 27
Marco, a recent graduate from the academy is practicing additional hose line deployment scenarios. This particular scenario was for an entry way that restricts how we can lay the hose line to enter a building that is on fire. We have to stay diligent on training for abnormal events, as the community we serve all have certain restrictions that affect how we operate. SHVFD has training aids to allow ... (Full Story & Photos)
Engine response to an Outside Fire
Board of Director Justin Karasek, July 07
Engine 511 was dispatched to a reported outside fire, caller stated dumpster was on fire. Upon arrival, a fire was found in a residential dumpster at an apartment complex at which time the crew deployed a hose line and quickly extinguished the fire before it spread to the wood fence and the vehicles next to it. Once the fire was extinguished, the crew used this as a training opportunity to the new ... (Full Story & Photos)
2nd Due Reported Hotel Fire
Board of Director Justin Karasek, June 08
Units responded to a reported fire at a hotel. Caller reported smoke conditions on the 4th floor. Engine 511 arrived on scene as 2nd due, Engine 511's job was to secure a water supply along with connecting the engine to the buildings Fire Department Connections (FDC) which allows the engine crews to hook up a Hi-rise line to a pipe in the stairwell instead of stretching a hose line all the way up ... (Full Story & Photos)
Valorous Unit Award
General Member John Reilly, April 03
Valorous Unit Award
On April 2nd, Prince William County 911 Communications received a call from a citizen that advised that he was shot and needed assistance at the Manassas Mall. The caller was unable to clearly articulate where exactly he was, or who had shot him despite repeated attempts by call takers. Units were dispatched and responded to the rear of the mall. There was a large civilian presence ... (Full Story & Photos)